Are you paying for flood insurance because your property is in a Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA)? Are you concerned that this designation is incorrect? If so, you can request a change to your flood zone designation with an elevation certificate. To do this, you need to submit an application for a formal determination of the property’s location and/or elevation to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). You will be required to submit specific information regarding the property and its location. This can be be done with the help of a licensed land surveyor.
A land surveyor can perform an elevation survey of your property. He will then complete and submit an elevation certificate on your behalf. After review by FEMA, you will receive a Determination Document. This document will either approve or deny your request. If approved, you may no longer need to pay flood insurance or your rates may be decreased. If you’re interested in an elevation certificate in Massachusetts, call Massachusetts Survey Consultants at (617) 899-0703.