FEMA is currently modernizing and updating their inventory of Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs). FIRMs are designed to show designated Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHA) throughout the U.S and they are used in determining whether property owners with federally-backed loans are required to have flood insurance. While many of these maps are outdated, there have been updates conducted recently throughout Massachusetts and particularly in the Boston area. With the recent updates, we’ve seen many properties now being placed in SFHAs that previously were not. As a result, many homeowners are being told that they must now purchase flood insurance. If you dispute the SFHA designation, which many property owners are now doing, it’s best to get a property survey by a licensed Massachusetts land surveyor. A land survey will show whether or not your property is in a flood zone and, if it is not, we can complete an elevation certificate and LOMA or ELOMA (Electronic Letter of Map Amendment) and submit it to FEMA in hopes of removing your property from the SFHA and relieving you of your flood insurance requirement. We have seen a big increase in demand for elevation certificates recently, which we believe is due to the FIRM updates and, in the majority of cases, the properties are not in flood zones. Call us today at (617) 899-0703 if you need assistance with an elevation certificate or other land surveying needs.